+33 (0)6 99 35 14 14

Online French courses
for beginners
Complete French course for beginners, from A0 to A2.
104 videos - 96 lessons - 12 h +

I've created 104 content videos to bring you this complete French course for beginners. The first videos explain the course, what it looks like and how it works. Then you have 96 videos grouped into 15 French lessons. Each lesson teaches you vocabulary, grammar and conjugation, but also teaches you more about French culture.
Finally, there are three dictations.
In all, there are 12 and a half hours of video.
Vidéos accessibles à vie

All my videos are also available on YouTube, on a private account. When you order my courses, you can choose to receive all the videos by transfer (beware, this takes up storage space) or simply the video links on a private account on YouTube (or both options). You have lifetime access to all the videos, so you can view them whenever you want and as many times as you like.
Cours PDF

All courses are also available in PDF format. This provides you with a written basis, which you can keep on your computer or choose to print out. This can be very useful for French courses.
Instagram : French with Ludivine

The idea of this course was born at the same time as an Instagram account: frenchwithludivine
Shortly after the birth of my first child, I decided to stop feeding this account with daily videos and stories, as it was taking up far too much of my time. I've left it online, however, as it's still a training space you can access. This gives you a good overview of my learning methods and allows you to train alongside the courses themselves.
Everything in English

So that the course can be followed and understood by as many people as possible, I've made the choice to address you in English. As this was already what I was doing on my Instagram account, it seemed logical to continue this way for the courses. So I give you all the explanations in English and read you the very many example sentences in French each time, so that you learn the right way to pronounce them, so that you have the right intonation.
Reduced rate - €199

As these are not private lessons, but a general course aimed at all French beginners, I've decided to put them on sale at a reduced rate of €199.
What's included:
- 104 videos
- YouTube access
- Instagram access
What's not included:
- Personalized follow-up
How do I get these courses?
That's super easy. Just contact me. I'll send you a quote and answer any questions you may have.