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French proofreading and editing

The profession of proofreader

The job of a proofreader is, as the name suggests, to proofread and correct your writing. In concrete terms, this means: reading your text in depth and tracking down the slightest mistake or typo that could be hidden in it.

Who is it for?

Anyone can use the services of a proofreader. Whether you are a student, a blogger, a writer, a stay-at-home mother or father, an artist, a journalist, an employee, an unemployed person... If you want to make sure that a text is free of errors, you can ask to have it corrected by a proofreader.

Types of documents

Here are some examples of documents that I am able to correct:

(Please note I only correct French-written documents)


  • Literature: novels, short stories, life stories, etc.

  • Students: theses, essays, assignments, etc.

  • Professional: resume, cover letter, business plan, report, contract, press release, etc.

  • Personal: letter, e-mail, etc.

  • Arts: screenplay, play, song, poem, etc.

  • Children: children's books, stories, lessons, etc.

  • Internet: website, blog, post, etc.

  • ...


This list is not exhaustive and I receive, almost daily, requests that continue to enrich this diversity. This is what drives me, so don't hesitate to submit your projects, whatever they may be.



Thorough reading of your manuscript, website, blog article, business plan, thesis, etc.

Analysis of each word [...]


relire corriger.jpg

Correction of spelling, grammar, typography, syntax, punctuation and typos

Rewording [...]



Rewriting words or sentences for repetition, barbarism, consistency of tense, style and meaning [...]


How do we do it?

I ask you to send me your French document in Word format (possibility of working on other formats on the basis of a sample with other potentially applicable rates).


The reason I prefer this format is simply that it allows me to indicate the corrections made. In fact, in the "Review" mode of your Word document, you will have access to all my changes, whether they be formatting, corrections, deleted or added elements, or rewordings.


In addition, this mode also allows me to make comments which are displayed as speech bubbles to the right of your text. When you receive your corrected document, you will have the opportunity to accept or reject each of my corrections. This is essential because, beyond the basic corrections (spelling, grammar, etc.), you will have the choice of whether or not to accept my rewording proposals.


Indeed, I do not wish to impose anything. I propose, you dispose.

Rates per page

(1 page = 500 words)

Between 1 & 9 pages : 5,2 €/page
From 10 pages : 5 €/page
From 50 pages : 4,8 €/page
From 100 pages : 4,6 €/page


In this offer, I correct French spelling, grammar, typography, punctuation and syntax. Your sentences will no longer contain any mistakes in this respect. However, I do not replace repetitions or barbarisms and I do not offer you rewordings. I therefore ensure that the sentences are correct but not necessarily that they make sense. I therefore work on form rather than content.

Rates per page

(1 page = 500 words)

Between 1 & 9 pages : 7 €/page

From 10 pages : 6,8 €/page

From 50 pages : 6,5 €/page

From 100 pages : 6 €/page



If the mistake comes from a failure to follow a rule (spelling or grammar, for example), the error is careless, a misunderstanding, a lapse in judgment or appreciation.

In this offer, I therefore always propose to correct the spelling, grammar, typography, punctuation and syntax of your document, to which I add the correction of repetitions, barbarisms and the rewording of certain words or sentences according to several criteria:


- Length of the sentence (for example, the one above is a bit "borderline". It should not be longer, otherwise I would have to reword it to make two separate sentences).

- Repetitions, pleonasms, barbarisms: I suggest synonyms or rewordings.

- Sentence sense: it may be that your sentence is correct and yet nonsensical (i.e. it is structurally correct but does not make sense). I rewrite the sentence so that it makes sense in the given context.

- Style: I make sure that I respect the style and coherence of your writing. For example, if in a dialogue between your characters you have written « J’m’en vais » au lieu de « Je m’en vais », I will only correct the ellipsis if it makes absolutely no sense (if your character was known for his or her flawless language, for example).

- Figures of speech: I also rephrase certain figures of speech that might 'weigh down' your text (unless it is intentional, of course). This applies to alliteration (ainsi, si), oxymoron (pour commencer, terminez-moi ça) or pleonasm (donc, par conséquent).

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